Comprehensive Prosthetics and Orthotic Services in Memphis, Tennessee

Memphis Location

6515 Poplar Ave. Ste 112, Memphis, TN 38119


At our Prosthetic & Orthotic Care facility in Memphis, our knowledgeable and friendly staff of LPO’s, CPO’s and Patient Care coordinators have years of experience in treating and restoring mobility to patients who may have at one point believed this quality of life was no longer available to them.

At Prosthetic 1, our prosthetic care professionals and specialists aim to get you back on your feet and make your life easier with excellent prosthetic & orthotic care. We also provide counsel and education to our patients throughout the entire process.

Our Process and Approach to Providing the Best Care

We have designed our clinics to exceed your expectations. When you visit our offices, you can expect our knowledgeable specialists and staff to greet you with a warm welcome and a smile. Our staff will conduct initial consultations to identify challenges, goals and your lifestyle.

Our step by step approach allows our specialists to quickly develop the best prosthetic to help you regain your independence and confidence as soon as possible. Whether you’re new to prosthetics or have experience with them, either way, we understand that you will have questions. Our Care coordinators can help you navigate through the administrative processes, explain your insurance benefits, and help communicate with healthcare providers.

Prosthetic 1 Care Services

As experts in providing above the knee and below the knee prosthetic solutions, Prosthetic 1 in Memphis has extensive experience in developing customized rehabilitation plans, increasing mobility and functionality, and fabricating custom devices.

Marcus Baker and his team of orthotic and prosthetic specialists understand that your lifestyle and goals must be considered in order to develop custom solutions.

Prosthetic and Orthotic Care FAQs:

How Do Prosthetic Legs Work?

To best understand how prosthetic legs work, we must consider the location of the amputation. This essentially means that the location of the amputation will affect how the prosthetic leg will work. For example, above the knee amputations will require a completely different prosthetic than below knee amputations. This is mainly because the knee requires free movement, which means the knee will require different parts to facilitate this functionality.

Prosthesis vs Prosthetic: What’s the Difference?

This is a common question that we receive. Prosthetics refer to the actual field of research and expertise in designing and engineering prosthetic or artificial limbs. Prosthesis is the official term for the actual artificial limbs.

What is the Difference Between Prosthesis and Orthosis?

The key difference between these two care services is that orthosis is a device that is used to assist, correct or enhance parts of the body – which corrects mobility in some, and improves mobility in others. Prosthesis strictly refers to an artificial device that permanently replaces a limb.

If you have any questions about our process or general questions about your current prosthesis, please reach out to us and schedule an appointment. Through our patience, understanding and expertise, you will eliminate the thought that your device is a barrier to doing the things you need and love to do. We actually care about the outcomes of all of our patients and genuinely want you to have the best results possible. Contact our Memphis location for an appointment today.

Our Staff

Marcus Baker

CPO, LPO – President

Michelle Fonville

Patient Care Coordinator

Michelle Fonville

Office Manager