"Pre-prosthetic management" is a fancy way of talking about getting your body ready to wear
an artificial limb. Oftentimes, prior to amputation, the body has become weak due to
infection and/or inactivity. In order to ensure the best possible outcome, the body must
be prepared for the upcoming prosthetic fitting.
Step 1
The first step is to be properly fitted with a prosthetic shrinker. This "device" is a
compression garment that aides in limb shaping, edema control, and desensitization of your
limb. The snug fit of the shrinker also aides in increasing circulation in the stump. You
should massage the limb as much as possible to prevent unwanted scar tissue. Massaging the
limb also aides in desensitization.
Step 2
Therapy is key in regaining muscle strength and endurance prior to the fitting of your
prosthetic device. Your physician, therapist, and prosthetist will work together to
determine when you are ready for your preparatory or temporary prosthesis.
Once you are ready for the temporary prosthesis, prosthetic management can begin.
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